Compositence GmbH

Compositence GmbH

Composistence supplies the automation technology for composite production. Since our company was established in 2009, we have developed several unique preforming technologies and the related design software, and also designed the related plants and installed them at our customers.

With our experienced teams and our extensive portfolio of technologies, we are now able to fulfil a wide range of needs:

  • Production of semi-finished products and components on in-house plants
  • Component design and selection of production processes
  • Concept and design of production processes
  • Design and programming of production plants and plant components
  • Production and installation of production plants and plant components
  • Software development


Product innovation:

Fully automated 2D placement system

Serial production of preforms for use in RTM or wet pressing processes:
The system lays dry fibre-based tapes to create 2D preform stacks, with customized geometries and fibre orientations up to sizes of 2.7 m x 2 m. Material requirement and cycle time are minimized; the installed plant processes up to 120 tonnes of carbon fibre tape per year.

The system can also be used for thermoplastic and prepreg tapes.

Production of pre-form stacks and blanks:
We supply samples, prototypes, and larger volumes, for example as substitutes for high-waste production processes based on NCF rovings or organic sheets.

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